A Distance Healing Session for Skin Cancer and Tooth Pain

in Cancer, Distance Healing, Skin Conditions, Testimonials

Basic Information:

  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 56
  • Condition: Skin cancer on the left face and tooth pain at left jaw


The session was for problems concentrated in the left side of my face, cancer and tooth pain. A minute or two after the session with Master Owen Liao began, I felt a very slight sensation in my left cheek an inch or two above the jaw. The feeling was something like tingling, but more subtle, radiating up the face toward both cancer spots. At the same time, emotions were arising, causing my eyes to tear. The emotions were not associated with any thoughts, because my conscious mind was focused on the body. After a couple of minutes more, I noticed a sensation in the tooth. Again, it was very slight; more like the tooth saying “I am here” than any pain or other sensation. Also, my left hand warmed up – normally I have very cold hands, so this was a delightful feeling.

The subtle sensations continued throughout the session. As instructed, I lay down for ten minutes when the session was over. Very briefly I cried again; I knew that this was from the session, because it was not associated with any thoughts and it passed very quickly. A few minutes after I arose, realized that there was a physical lightness in the area of my heart – as if a pressure I hadn’t been aware of had been released. An amazing feeling!

For at least two hours after the session, I had frequent, strong sensations of energy running through my body, particularly in the shoulders and head. For me, energy movement in the body is more like effervescence than tingling. It is exactly the physical sensation one feels in a moment of sudden, unexpected joy.


January, 2009

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