Scoliosis, Lordosis and IBS

in Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Lordosis, Scoliosis, Testimonials

Basic Information:

  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 21
  • Condition: Scoliosis, Lordosis and IBS


August 2006

As a patient of Dr. Liao, I’ve noticed dramatic improvements of my scoliosis and my sensitive digestive issues. Before my treatment began, my scoliosis had been bothering me soon after being diagnosed about six years ago. Back pains and soreness would be caused by playing sports, sitting for long periods of time while studying, standing for too long, or stress. Not only did I have knots on my upper left shoulder and lower back, but I also felt muscle soreness from my entire left leg. These symptoms have caused me to tire easily especially when studying, and caused me to reconsider in participating in certain physical activities that would hurt my back even more. I’ve tried all sorts of remedies such as yoga to stretch out my muscles, massage and chiropractic therapy, and other acupuncturists. My symptoms would improve only temporarily and return back to its same conditions. It was discouraging to know my symptoms would persist despite my efforts, but I continued with my available treatments to relieve and prevent further soreness. With my digestive issues, I was very prone to getting food poisoning or irritable bowel if I ate too much, spicy, or greasy foods.
When I began my treatment, I currently had food poisoning and felt pains in my stomach. I noticed instant relief by the end of my treatment and further progression with my future treatments. However with my scoliosis, I was doubtful about my acupuncture treatment being helpful. I realized that if anything it would take more than one treatment to notice a difference since my back pains was not a minor and didn’t just happen in one day. After my first treatment I was very happy that I noticed positive results right away. From pictures that Dr. Liao had taken before and after my initial treatment I noticed that my posture did change. Even after a few days, I’ve noticed my muscle soreness wasn’t as bad or didn’t become more intense like it usually did after my previous treatments with other doctors. If my back did become sore from playing sports, I noticed the soreness would heal faster than it did before. I wouldn’t say all my symptoms were gone by the very first treatment but as my treatments continued, I noticed that my energy level was a lot better, I could focus better during studying, and while standing during work, my lower back didn’t hurt!
When it comes to comparing Western and Eastern medicine in a Western society, I realize that many are doubtful about Eastern medicine due to its unfamiliarity and slower, gradual results, while Western medicine is more accepted and immediate relief of symptoms are noticeable. Knowing the extreme alternative to curing my scoliosis was to get abrasive back surgery, and eliminating my digestive problems was to forever rely on pills that would eliminate the problem but never cure it, I saw Eastern medicine as a solution worth trying even though it meant patience, persistence and some faith with my treatment.

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